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Social Media and Open Source

September 6–7, 2016, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

This seminar will examine current practices and techniques for using social media and open source information in analytic and investigative activities. Analysts will also examine privacy and legal considerations to accessing and using social media and open source information, as well as best practices for using this information in analytic products. Partner organizations include the Open Source Center and the IACP Center for Social Media.

Target Audience
Participation in this program is targeted to state and major urban area fusion center analysts, as well as analysts from High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Investigative Support Centers (ISC), Regional Information Sharing Systems® (RISS) Centers, and major city/county intelligence units. Each seminar will be limited to approximately 50 participants to foster dynamic, specialized interaction.

There is no cost to attend these events. Prospective attendees may be able to utilize grant funds from the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) to cover travel costs associated with this training. Contact your State Administrative Agency (SAA) training point of contact to ensure that attendance is coordinated and approved prior to registering for the course. The SAA may have specific requirements regarding training activities supported with HSGP funds.

Analysts may register for each seminar at http://dhs.anl.gov/analyticseminar. This site includes additional details regarding registration and logistics.

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