ZetX's Criminal Investigations Using Cellular Technologies
This 40 hour course covers all aspects of utilizing call detail records, geolocation, pattern analysis, and surveillance techniques involved in criminal investigations. Students are required to bring laptops and will be required to work with call detail records and geolocation information throughout the course. This course is designed to use lecture, case studies, and practical workshops to demonstrate and teach techniques. Students will work with actual records to further a serial homicide case which will culminate with a court presentation. The most current techniques and legal appolications will be applied, giving students the immediate ability to utilize the information learned once the course is complete. This course requiress the student to use Microsoft Excel and Google Earth. It is encouraged for students to review these applications and have basic understanding of them, prior to class. Student will create actual case files utilizing these applications and will be instructed on court presentation and testimony. This is not a certification course to testify as an expert; however, this course does provide students with the background to begin preparing to testify as an expert after receiving further training and experience in this field. Students without prior training/experience in this field who wish to attend our 40 hour certification course are strongly encouraged to complete this course first.
August 17-21, 2015
Tempe Police Department
1855 E Apache Bl
Tempe, AZ 85281
For more information, click here:
ZetX_Tempe 40 Hour Basic