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arizona association of crime analysts

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The Arizona Association of Crime Analysts (AACA) is a non-profit organization focused on crime analysis information sharing, industry standards and goals, and instruction on crime analysis theory and practice throughout Arizona.

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  • 02/04/2025
    Avondale PD, 11490 W Civic Center Dr, Avondale AZ85323
  • 02/18/2025
    5350 N 48th St, Ste 105, Chandler, AZ 85226

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Members enjoy exclusive benefits including:

  • Membership Directory
  • Training Events
  • Online Resources
  • Newsletters
  • Listserv Access 
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Certification Reimbursement

who is aaca?

Formed in 1996, the AACA has grown from an informal group of 12 to over 220 members. We are crime and intelligence analysts, sworn police officers, criminal justice faculty, students, and industry partners. We are a member driven organization striving to promote and enhance the needs and goals of our profession through support, networking and education. 

Membership benefits


The AACA continues to serve as an incredible networking experience for law enforcement analysts throughout the state. Networking with other analysts fosters professional growth, collaboration and innovative techniques and approaches. By connecting with local analysts, we share access to specialized knowledge and practices relevant to the trends and patterns of our region. Analysts are able to work together on cases and projects, sharing resources and resulting in more thoughtful and creative solutions to problems. Networking also strengthens interpersonal skills, enhances working relationships and improves communication. The AACA strives to promote a supportive network, increase analytical capacity and ultimately enhance the safety and wellbeing of our communities.


Access to relevant, innovative training is a core value of AACA. Ongoing training helps analysts stay current with tools, techniques and methodologies in the field of crime analysis.  Training improves proficiency in existing skills as well as acquisition of new skills. Monthly online trainings are free or have discounted costs. In person trainings and meetings are held quarterly and enable you to connect with fellow analysts and industry experts. Members can also access information on upcoming trainings relevant to the industry offered through law enforcement agencies and vendors. The AACA also sponsors a bi-annual training symposium in the spring with multiple tracks of learning. Take advantage of a diverse learning opportunities to enhance your analytical abilities.


Share knowledge and information with others in your field. Discuss emerging trends, series and patterns, best practices, tools and technologies and job opportunities. Exchange with analysts, officers, and academics with a wide range of knowledge and experience in crime and intelligence analysis, investigations, and prosecution. The AACA offers multiple listservs to share information, including a restricted criminal justice channel. Members also have access to a membership directory with representation from over 50 criminal justice agencies as well as multiple Arizona universities. Review job and internship opportunities and access career development resources. Your active participation will enhance your professional growth and expertise.

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AACA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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