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arizona association of crime analysts

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Grant Writing Workshop

  • 02/03/2025
  • 02/04/2025
  • Tucson Rillito PD, 1310 W Miracle Mile (Auditorium), Tucson, AZ 85705

If you're ready to learn how to find funding sources and write winning grant proposals, you've come to the right place.  Beginning and experienced grant writers from city, county and state agencies as well as healthcare organizations, nonprofits, K-12, colleges and universities are encouraged to attend.  You do not need to work in the same profession as the host agency.

Tuition is $495 and includes everything: two days of terrific instruction, workbook, and lifetime access to our Alumni Resource Center that's packed full of helpful resources and sample grant proposals.

CEU Credits:  Various CEUs and university credit are available for this class. 

To register:

Questions?  Email or call The Client Services Team at Grant Writing USA, at 800.814.8191, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (PT).

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